Reward voters and generate leads for your business with a custom offer!

To join the Voter Rewards program, login to the dashboard or claim your nomination. The Voter Rewards program is also included as a free bonus in our Voting Stage Sponsorships.

Investment: $100 + Cost/Lead

Duration: 2/4/25–2/20/25

What You Get

  • Generate leads for your business. After a voter registers, they will see a grid of six offers from local businesses like yours. The voter may select up to three offers they want. If your offer is chosen, the voter is immediately emailed and/or texted the pre-loaded details of your offer from our software. In this dashboard you can also see the contact information for each voter that selected your offer.
  • Campaign Setup. Included is the design of your offer, lead management, reward delivery, unlimited impressions, and $50 in lead credits. Credits are used up for each new voter that takes your offer.

How It Works

Voter Rewards is an optional program to participate in. If you update your Voter Rewards offer or adjust your settings, this constitutes opting into the program. All offers must be approved by us before they go live. Once approved, we will send you an email with all the details and your offer will begin to be shown to voters. Once your $50 in free lead credits is used up, you will automatically be charged based on the settings you have chosen in the dashboard. These charges are non-refundable, including in the case that leads do not convert into customers and/or you have leftover credits at the end of the program. To cancel, please email us your request.


We only show six offers to each voter. BUT, we have more than six sponsors!

When will your offer show up? Initially, offer placement is random. However, as more and more people vote (thousands of them), the software optimizes the placement based on your bid amount and conversion rate.

What This Means: You can improve your placement in two ways…

  1. Make a very strong offer. The more enticing the offer is to the voter, the more likely they will select it. The more your offer is selected, the more it will be shown towards the top.
  2. Increase the bid amount. The higher the bid, the more the software will show your offer towards the top.


  • Startup: If you’re a Voting Stage Sponsor, we waive the $100 setup charge. It includes offer design, lead management, reward delivery, unlimited impressions, and $50 in free bids.
  • Bid Amount: This is the amount your balance will be reduced by for every voter that claims your offer. The higher it is, the more it will be shown to voters. The Bid Amount must be at least $2.
  • Balance Refresh: When your balance runs out, this amount will automatically be charged to the payment method on file. The Balance Refresh amount must be at least $100 or 10 times the Bid Amount, whichever is higher.
  • Maximum Budget: This is the maximum amount that you want to spend on this sponsorship. Once this amount has been reached, your balance will not be refreshed and your offers will stop being shown to voters. The Maximum Budget must be at least $500 or $100 more than your Balance Refresh amount, whichever is higher.

If you have any questions, please contact us. Just note, participation in this program does not effect placement in the final results of the awards themselves.

Voter Rewards is available in the Candidate Dashboard. To login, reset your password or claim your nomination if you haven’t already done so.